How to Wear Bright Colours with Confidence | Pink Lime Mango

When it comes to fashion, some people feel more comfortable sticking to neutral colours like black, white, and grey. But what if you want to take your style up a notch and add a pop of colour? How can you be sure that you are choosing the right colours to go together? And how can you wear them with confidence? Here are a few tips from jewellery designer Pink Lime Mango. 

  1. Go for Contrasting Colours

One effortless way to make your colours stand out is to choose colours that contrast with each other. For example, if you are wearing a black top, you could pair it with brightly coloured earrings or a necklace in a bold colour. Or if you are wearing a white top, you could choose earrings or a bracelet in a vibrant hue. This is a straightforward way to add interest to your outfit without looking like you are trying too hard. 

  1. Stick to Three Colours or Less

When put together, multiple colours can start to look like a rainbow vomit explosion if they are not done right. A good rule of thumb is to stick to three colours or less when creating an outfit with pops of colour. This will ensure that your outfit looks cohesive and put-together instead of chaotic and busy. Not sure which colours go well together? A quick Google search can help you out, or you can refer to this helpful infographic.  


  1. Add Colour in Small Doses

If you are new to wearing colourful jewellery or clothing, it is best to start small. Instead of going for head-to-toe colour, try adding pops of colour in small doses. For example, you could wear a neutral outfit and add a brightly coloured scarf, handbag, or pair of shoes. Or you could choose colourful jewellery pieces like earrings or bracelets that complement your outfit without overwhelming it. Once you get more comfortable with incorporating colour into your wardrobe, you can start experimenting with bolder looks.  


With these three tips in mind, adding pops of colour to your wardrobe is easy! Just remember to choose contrasting colours, stick to three colours or less, and add colour in small doses until you get more comfortable with the look. And before you know it, you will be confidently rocking brightly coloured outfits like a pro! 

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